The Girlfriends’ Guide to Fortnite

I haven’t participated in a community event for a hot minute (forgive me, I am extremely late in my response to this one), and I was all too happy to ask Adventure Rules a question in his Charming & Open send-off (which is no longer a send-off) and receive what was definitely going to be a Dark Souls question in return. However, in a shocking turn of events, Ian has posed a question about Fortnite – how did I get into it? What keeps me playing? I gave a sort of overview of my newfound love for Fortnite in this post – aptly named Adventures in Fortnite – where I talked about how fun the game is. Playing with friends, the surprisingly addicting monetization scheme (trust me, I hate it too), and what I enjoy the most about the gameplay. In an effort to be slightly creative, I’ve decided to put a bit of a spin on Ian’s question – how might other people get into the game, and start to enjoy it? Even people like me, who had negative interest in the game to begin with? Well, I’m thinking of a very specific group of dedicated girlies who play games with their partners – truly, the backbone of our society. Some of us enjoy gaming as a hobby already, and simply look for titles to play with our partners to spend more time together, while others may not game at all, and are looking to try a new hobby, or support their partners interests. Whether you’re looking to improve your communication skills (necessary for a game like It Takes Two), testing the strength of your relationship (as in Overcooked! or Mario Party), or just trying to have a good time, Fortnite is a great option for duos – it can be fun, rewarding, and occasionally test your sanity. Like any good relationship!

And so, look no further for all you need to know as a Gamer Grill getting into Fortnite. Also important to know that this guide applies to any and all girls – you don’t have to be in a relationship at all to find some value. Whether you’re looking to play solo, exclusively with your partner, or maybe with a larger group of friends, this guide will teach you all you need to know about supporting your teammates, and making pookie proud.

*This post is for fun. I’m talking about the “I’m just a girl” stereotypes, and I’m making jokes; it’s not serious. Women are just as competitive, and just as skilled as men. I know. Please don’t write me angry letters.

Dress for Success

We all know how much the girls and femmes love dress up games – what’s the point in playing in lobbies with sweaty 12 year-olds named dilf_slayer_69 (actual name) if you don’t look good while doing it? So of course, wearing a cute skin is absolutely key when starting your Fortnite journey. Do they cost real money? Most of them, yes, but such is life. A small price to pay for aesthetics. The Fortnite shop refreshes every 24 hours, so be sure to let your boyfriend know when you see something you like – if he doesn’t gift it to you, does he really love you? Anyway, here are a few examples of my personal favourite girly-pop skins (unfortunately some are from earlier Battle Passes and thus, are no longer obtainable): Jules, Snowdancer, and Highwire.

Jules, Snowdancer, and Highwire.

And one of my personal favourite aspects of having endless choices for customizing your look is the fact that you can create matching duo skins with your partner! There are so many options – you could be a Marvel duo with Mary Jane and Spider-Man. Maybe you’re more of a DC fan, and Harley Quinn and the Joker would be more your speed. There’s the classic matching shark jammies set (Cozy and Comfy Chomps, respectively). My personal favourite, and objectively the best combination is Princess Felicity Fish and Fishstick (bonus points for the pirate or Atlantean Fishstick version) because Felicity is the greatest skin of all time. You simply cannot have a bad time while sporting matching duo skins, it’s illegal. 


The Med Kit Throw

I would say this is probably the first, and most classic technique you’ll have to master as a girlie playing Fortnite. Carrying items to heal yourself is pretty crucial in this game, though you’ll have to balance your limited inventory slots accordingly. I’d recommend you make room for at least some kind of ranged weapon, a shotgun, and one kind of rotation/mobility item. For example, in the current meta (as of May) a Nemesis AR, a Gatekeeper shotgun, and some Shockwave grenades. This leaves you two inventory slots to play with – maybe if you’re newer, you want to carry some kind of Shield restoring item (Flowberry Fizz, for instance) as well as some Med Kits. Personally, I have a deal with my partner that I carry Med Kits, and he carries some Shield Potions – that way, we’re all covered.

So, step one, check – you’ve got your Med Kits on hand. For step two, you’ll have to work on a basic gameplay element that I, and thankfully many other players, seem to struggle with (especially under pressure, or when you’re panicking) – switching weapons. I’ve had a really hard time with this ever since I started playing Fortnite, and I’m not quite sure why. Probably because I don’t play a lot of shooting games, or anything where quickly swapping items in your inventory is necessary. But regardless, I’m glad I’m not alone, especially among my fellow Fortnite gals. So picture this: you’re running along, minding your business, when suddenly, you’re jumped by an enemy player (who is, unfortunately, not a bot). Suddenly, there’s gunfire everywhere, your shield is cracked, your gun isn’t reloaded, and my god, the band is still playing. In a panic to switch weapons, you accidentally toggle over to your Med Kits, and throw one of those instead of shooting at your opponent. Oopsie. 

I died for this screenshot.

I’ve personally done this without being caught off guard as well – in the middle of a fight, while trying to switch weapons rather than sitting there and reloading, I find myself button mashing a bit too enthusiastically, and swapping to a Med Kit, rather than the gun I wanted. It’s truly a timeless classic. Now, you can throw Shield Potions as well, but Med Kits are the traditional choice. The upside to the Med Kit Throw is that, regardless of the outcome, you’ve really won – you either gave the opposing player (and probably your partner as well) a good laugh if you die, and if you come out on top, you’ve just performed the most aggressive power move available. “Call an ambulance… but not for me.”

If you’ve ever done this accidentally, or if this is a regular occurrence in your Fortnite forays, just know you’re not alone, and you’re doing amazing. 

The Loot Vacuum 

Looting is my personal favourite aspect of Fortnite (don’t ask me why, I don’t understand it either), and I am 100% a certified Loot Goblin. Now, we’re all familiar with the tired tropes of traditional relationships – us women are the gold-diggers, and our men are the providers. Well, prepare yourself to embrace tradition, and become the heartless gold-digger you were always meant to be; except here, this gold will more likely be of the ammunition kind (and, occasionally, literal gold bars). As a girlfriend playing Fortnite, it is critical that you collect any and all loot that you possibly can – especially everything that drops from the bodies of your enemies. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve gotten the kill, or your partner has – they’re our kills in this household. Remember, sharing is caring. It’s also important to note that while you’re knocked and waiting for your teammate(s) to revive you, you can still pick up items, and collect ammo. There really is no rest for the wicked, and being downed simply isn’t an excuse to slack on your hoarding duties.

I can’t go full Loot Goblin on my friend, Cotie, because he is nice enough to tolerate me.

Occasionally, the roles will be reversed, and your man will be the Loot Goblin in the relationship. And this is fine – you may just need to alter your approach a bit, and focus down chests and ammo boxes to meet your looting goals. Because really, if you don’t finish the match with the maximum amount of at least one ammo type, are you really playing Fortnite? I rest my case.

Objectives? Never Heard of Her

Probably my second favourite aspect of Fortnite has always been the variety of things you can do within the realm of Battle Royale – none of which involve doing objectives of any kind, or getting kills. I personally love a good fishing sesh, emoting and/or jamming in places that I shouldn’t, and generally participating in tomfoolery of any kind. Like driving vehicles through rifts to see if I can land on Loot Island, or admiring artwork that I find across the map. As a girlfriend, it’s important to remember that you’re playing for fun, and sure, winning is fun, but so is hopping on a hoverboard and yeeting yourself off the highest point you can find (bonus marks if there is also a ramp). So while your boyfriend – who may or may not be playing like this is Esports, and there’s money on the line – gets sweaty (moms spaghetti), you can simply enjoy being along for the ride. Warning: this may come with frequent needs to “lock in” and “clutch the game” when pookie inevitably wanders off on his own, and gets downed trying to solo another team. Win or lose, keep in mind that this is still his fault for acting like a white person in a horror film, and straying too far from the group. 

Sir Beurre, the croissant that never was ❤

Gravity Falls

If you’re like me, you’ve probably struggled through many a game with fall damage – an unfortunate reality. As I always say, “Gravity is the hardest boss.” For all the girls playing Fortnite, it’s important to be aware that you are much more likely to encounter deaths and/or knocks due to fall damage than your partner. Trust me, I’m a doctor. Maybe you meant to throw down a Shockwave Grenade and threw something else instead, thus jumping or falling to your death (not a personal anecdote), or maybe you attempted to jump off a cliff into some water below (you won’t take any fall damage if you’re able to land in a body of water) and ended up falling on a small, unanticipated strip of land. Also not speaking from personal experience. You might have been taking a nice ride on the train, when someone decided to shoot at you, and in your panic, you jumped off whilst traveling over a bridge, thus shattering your femurs, as well as your hopes of a crown, and sending you back to the lobby. Once again, purely hypothetically. 

So I landed up here, and realized I had no way down.

I haven’t been able to determine the link between women and the deadly pull of gravity, but it’s something to note when you’re loading up the game with your teammate(s). Fall damage comes for us all eventually, and it’ll be up to your (extremely supportive and not judgmental) partner to pick you back up again. Carry on, queen. 

#1 In Our Hearts

I don’t want to inundate everyone with too much information, but I think we’ve covered all the basics of duo dynamics. To review: your skin is the single most important choice you will make in the game, and your partner will love it if you insist on wearing matching skins. Trust me. As a final side note, you’ll probably want to pick up the “Bear Hug” emote next time it’s in the shop for the maximum display of affection. Med Kits are made for throwing, and should only occasionally be used for healing yourself or your teammates. Every piece of loot or gold that drops is specifically for you – I need you ladies to lock in and channel your inner Grinch. I’m talking not a single crumb left behind. Once you’ve amassed all the ammunition and gold in the world, you can stop and smell the roses for a while – go ahead and search those houses from top to bottom, spend some time vibing with those Coral Buddies. There is absolutely no sense of urgency needed. Last but not least, be wary of heights, and make sure your partner is on standby for a quick revive, should you fall victim to an unforeseen (and by ‘unforeseen,’ I mean ‘completely foreseen’) cliffside. 

Deep breaths… remember that you love them…

It’s important to remember that, at the end of the day, it’s just nice to have outlets and hobbies to share with your partner, or your friends. Playing Fortnite is genuinely a lot of fun, and it can be a whole new experience when you’re playing in duos, or squads. So don’t worry about your aim, how many crowned victories you’re getting, or how many people have hit the Griddy on your corpse. You just get out there, have some laughs, and enjoy the time spent with your homies. Keep the positive vibes flowing, especially when you’re sent back to the lobby for the 84th time.  

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20-something-year-old hailing from the Northern badlands of Canada. Persistent gamer, avid reader, and fledgling D&D player. I’ve played video games for as long as I can remember, and they’ve always been a big part of my love for the art of storytelling. Just trying to make it in a world where my copy of Disney’s Extreme Skate Adventure no longer works.

4 thoughts on “The Girlfriends’ Guide to Fortnite”

  1. This was absolutely worth the wait, excellently written! I really enjoyed the angle you chose for your answer and it was fun to hear about your habits in the game and how it serves as a fun way to spend time with your partner. Thanks again for participating in the event!

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